LEAD 101
Ministerial training that provides a virtual community based learning environment with one of the UPCI's leading scholars, Dr. David Norris.
The Leading, Evangelizing, and Discipling (LEAD) course is designed for students who are applying for local license through the UPCI. This course provides an overview of the basic principles of ministry, administration and governance, and its application to a minister of a local assembly.

Order of the Faith Class of 2023 Inducted
On Monday, September 18, 2023, Dr. Trevor B. Neil, Founder of Genesis Institute of Theology, Evangelism and Leadership was inducted into the UPCI Wall of Honour. Sister Phyllis Neil, wife of the late Dr. Neil, accepted his award posthumously. We salute Dr. Neil and his legacy and celebrate this award and recognition with Sister Neil.
Student Life ~ MyGEN
Student services seeks to foster a supportive learning environment, provide access to resources, and develop a community of learning that will focus on student success, retention, and student health and wellbeing.

9308 - 137 Avenue
PO Box 71141 Northtown PO
Edmonton, AB T5E 5P0